P99 Pursuit: 8 Years of Battling P99 Latency

ScyllaDB CEO Dor Laor covers principles for successful OSS projects like ScyllaDB, KVM, the Linux kernel and why they spurred his vision for the P99 CONF.

36 minutes
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Dor Laor

Dor Laor, CEO of ScyllaDB

Dor Laor is the CEO of ScyllaDB. Previously, Dor was part of the founding team of the KVM hypervisor under Qumranet that was acquired by Red Hat. At Red Hat Dor was managing the KVM and Xen development for several years. Dor holds an MSc from the Technion and a Phd in snowboarding.

P99 CONF OCT. 23 + 24, 2024

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