It’s Time to Debloat the Cloud with Unikraft

Felipe Huici introduces Unikraft, a cloud operating system that allows for easily building fully-tailored cloud-ready images that boot in a few milliseconds.

19 minutes
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Felipe Huici, CEO and Co-Founder of Unikraft UG

Dr. Felipe Huici is CEO and Co-Founder of Unikraft UG, a start-up dedicated to lightweight and open source virtualization technologies and to significantly lowering cloud infrastructure bills. In addition, Felipe is a chief researcher at NEC Laboratories Europe in Heidelberg, Germany where his main research and interests lie in the areas of high performance software systems, in particular virtualization, specialization and security. He has published in several top tier conferences such as SOSP, ASPLOS, OSDI, Eurosys, SIGCOMM, NSDI and CoNEXT. Finally, Felipe is one of the founders of the maintainers of the Linux Foundation Unikraft open source project.

P99 CONF OCT. 23 + 24, 2024

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