All Things P99

The event for developers who care about P99 percentiles and high-performance, low-latency applications

Fast and Fault Tolerant

Michael Barker draws on knowledge from working on financial exchanges, messaging and clustering systems to describe a model that can be highly effective at delivering both.

19 minutes
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Michael Barker, Independent Consultant at Ephemeris Consulting

Michael Barker has over two decades of experience in the software industry across a wide range of industries including exchange systems, finance, telecommunications and government. Michael spent 10 years working at LMAX Exchange, where he help transform its latecy from 1ms to sub-80µs, along with contributing to nearly every part of the system (matching engine, broker & risk management, messaging & reliablility infrastructure, survellience, monitoring…). He has a fondness for concurrency and data structures, being the long term maintainer of the LMAX Disruptor and building multiple novel structures to support the exchange and broker. More recently Michael has been heavily involved with the Aeron project, focused on the C version of the media driver, Aeron Cluster, and integration of alternative networking APIs (e.g. DPDK, VMA).