All Things P99

The event for developers who care about P99 percentiles and high-performance, low-latency applications

99.99% of Your Traces are Trash

Distributed tracing is still finding its footing in many organizations today, one challenge to overcome is the data volume – keeping 100% of your traces is expensive and unnecessary. Enter sampling – head vs tail how do you decide? Let’s look at the design of Sifter and get familiar with why tail-based sampling is the way to enact a cost-effective tracing solution while actually increasing the system’s observability.

25 minutes
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Paige Cruz, Senior Developer Advocate at Chronosphere

Paige Cruz is a Senior Developer Advocate at Chronosphere passionate about cultivating sustainable on-call practices and bringing folks their aha moment with observability. She started as a software engineer at New Relic before switching to Site Reliability Engineering holding the pager for InVision, Lightstep, and Weedmaps. Off-the-clock you can find her spinning yarn, swooning over alpacas, or watching trash TV on Bravo.